Jenny,  who was born and is  5th generation bred in Aotearoa,  has had a varied background with training and experience particularly in science and education at all levels. Her view of science and the world has always been informed and enhanced by art and hence her own art is informed by science. Her intellectual and emotional understanding of the interconnectedness of the world environment and its peoples, leads her to a fundamental concern about consumerism so most of her art materials are upcycled and repurposed.  Her current and ongoing art practice is exploring the intersection of Art and Nature in different media, with the aim of challenging viewers to look at our world, and act in it more ecologically.

Her embroidery/fabric art evolved from valuing her ancestors’ domestic embroidery as one of the only creative endeavours available to them. Incorporating pieces of worn-out embroidery and fabrics and using thrifted materials in new pieces, acknowledges these women as artists and creates something new from pre-existing old materials. The subject matter of moss and forest floor, coral reef, gardens or lichen covered boulders focusses the viewer’s attention on small natural details.  Collecting washed up seaweed and displaying it anew, or framing a biological drawing or print makes it Art and exposes  a different value. 

The use of beach waste or biological drawings in framed art pieces and using upcycled materials in creating new fabric art, asks us to examine our response to what we consider disposable and makes us look more closely and respect the environment around us.